Frequently Asked Questions

How do online payments work?
Can I advertise with the cinema?
Will you support my event?
Will you show my film?
Do you have any other locations?
Do you allow Police Officers, Fire Fighters, etc. in for free?

How do online payments work?

Once you complete your ticket purchase, you have two options at the theater:

  1. Go to the box office and present your credit card and/or confirmation number to pick up your tickets
  2. Bring a print-out of the bar code page (the last step in the online purchase process) and scan it on our lobby’s Kiosk to go directly to your movie

Can I advertise with the cinema?

You can join a successful advertising strategy that includes the Carousel Theaters. We have a range of effective and affordable methods of helping you get your message to a wider audience and we’re always open to new ideas:

  • On-screen advertising – Unique Screen Ad handles this for us.
  • Free newsletter – we provide Movie Facts for newsletter.
  • Our website – Contact Rob McHone for more info
  • In-theater marketing – Display signage in our lobby. Contact Rob McHone for more info
  • New promotional ideas – To discuss an idea, contact Rob McHone
  • Sponsored showings – From time to time, the Carousel Cinemas promotes special showings. Sponsorships of these events are available and they can be quite effective with community relations. From Vacation Film Fun series to our annual Academy Award Gala, the Carousel can help. Contact Rob McHone for more info

Will you support my event?

We are locally owned and operated and we take pride in contributing to the community that has valued and supported our efforts to bring great movies to Greensboro over the years. While our primary objective is to continue to give Greensboro movie-goers the best possible cinematic experience, the Carousel is willing to do what it can to help our city be a better place to live and work by providing donations, special events and other activities. If you would like sponsorship or donations from us please follow these guidelines:

Your request needs to be either mailed or faxed to us and. It must be on your organization’s letterhead and must include the following:

  1. The date of event
  2. The purpose for the request
  3. The amount of any donation you are requesting
  4. The Tax ID Number of the organization (donations)

There may be limitations on how often and when donation needs will met but we will try our best to match the needs as they are presented to us.

Will you show my film?

The Carousel Cinemas has a long history of supporting local artists and film makers and we are very interested in exhibiting locally made films. There are some criteria that must be met but if you have a film project that you feel is worthy of being seen by others then Contact Us about arranging a public screening. We have the technology to make this possible without the expense of having your film converted to 35mm.

Do you have any other locations?

We have a sister site – Carousel Cinemas Greensboro (, located on Battleground Avenue less than a mile north of downtown Greensboro.

Do you allow Police Officers, Fire Fighters, etc. in for free?

Due to the current economic situation we will no longer be able to offer tickets to law enforcement officers, Fire Fighters, etc. beginning March 1st, 2009. We thank you for your patronage in the past and hope that you will continue to visit the Carousel for you entertainment needs.